Want to be an actor?

FilmYou’ve come to the right place. False Pretense Films is a Tulsa-based local group of actors and production folk who love to make films. We focus on Film Noir, but we also do other stuff as well. We create comedic shorts, experimental films, and special projects such as The Hate Project.

If you’re an actor or have production skills and want to be involved in some cool projects, let us know. Follow us on Twitter, hit our Facebook page, or just drop us a line (ken-at-kenhess-dot-com) and let’s discuss.

We’re not looking for any particular “type” and are willing to help you get started. We take plenty of actor photos that you’re free to use for whatever purpose you want at no charge or special permission. We ask mainly that you show up with a good attitude, plenty of time, and a willingness to learn and to hone your craft.

Acting is not difficult. It’s really a matter of listening to direction. There are three basic rules of acting with False Pretense Films that will help you no matter with whom you work:

  • Don’t look at the lights.
  • Don’t look at the cameras.
  • Listen to The Director.

Yes, it’s really that simple.

Don’t look directly at the lights. They’re bright. They might temporarily blind you like coming in out of the sun. It also distracts you and makes you forget your lines.

Don’t look at the cameras. If you look directly at the cameras, it breaks what’s known as “The fourth wall” and is typically a bad thing. Breaking the fourth wall can be powerful and it works in some cases, but generally speaking, don’t do it unless directed to do so.

Listening to the Director. Acting is doing. Acting is delivering action and dialog in a convincing and natural manner. Making films is a lengthy, often boring, process that’s punctuated by short scenes done multiple times. To deliver your action and your dialog effectively, you have to be a good listener. Then you have to translate those instructions into actions and dialog.

Everyone is part of the process. As a Director, I have the final say about how a scene should go, however, that doesn’t mean that I don’t listen to other opinions; I do. I listen to the actors and crew when filming because I’m focused on a particular event or scene and might miss something. Filmmaking is a democratic process in my films. Your input is valuable. But don’t be offended if every suggestion isn’t used or acted upon. There is a vision and a process. Deviations have to be dealt with individually.

I’ve never had anyone hate the experience of working with me on our films. It’s always fun, collaborative, and well-crafted. If you’re interested in getting involved in any capacity, contact us. We always have multiple projects available. Let’s work on something.

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